My Life Charger...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Live with Gratitude

Sometimes, I am wondering if I am taking what I have in my life for granted too much and have not learn to appreciate life and things. And, how would things change for me, if I have made a decision to live my life with more Gratitude.

For example, my mum cooks dinner for us everyday. Somehow, it just seems like a routine work and sometimes I’ll just take it for granted and think that cooking is her responsibility and job. Sometimes, I’ll even question her when the food is not up to normal standard. Consciously, I know I should not do that, and then I would still do it once a while. It just seems like second nature, or it would be more appropriate to say that’s my bad habit.

I remember all Christian have to pray before their meal to show appreciation to GOD. Then I sincerely appreciate the food that was served to me, will I feel the food nicer, will I eat happier with better appetite? I think I will, and my mum will be happy too when she saw me eating so happily.

Let me take this opportunity to say Thank You for reading my blog. ;)

Do you have any experience to share when you live with Gratitude? What kind of result you get? Comments and Sharing are welcomed.


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