My Life Charger...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Find The Light Inside You

"I am not bound to win, I am bound to be true.
I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to the light I have."
- Abraham Lincoln

I read a newsletter from Jon Gordon- Home of Energy Addicts. To get the FREE newsletter please visit This link is also in my "Great Links". Sit Tight and Enjoy !!!


If you're having a tough day, a difficult week, a horrible month or a disastrous year, let the thought of Abraham Lincoln brighten your day. He lost 9 public elections, declared bankruptcy twice and weathered a nervous breakdown and the death of a fiancée before becoming President of the United States of America. How did he do it? He found the light within. And so can you. Consider this email a switch. Read it and turn on the light you know is inside you. Pass this on and help others find their light.

When you are feeling down or when everything seems hopeless visualize a light inside you. Imagine that this light is covered by the darkness of the world; Negative images on our television sets. Daily horror stories in the newspaper. Stacks of bills. Energy Vampires, illnesses, relationship issues, unemployment, negative thoughts, self doubt and every day challenges. While you may have the urge to fight the darkness, and many of us do, instead seek to find the light. A Chinese proverb says "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness". To light your candle, identify the one thing in your life that is "good". Find the one thing that makes you happy. One thing that you are thankful for. It doesn't have to be a big thing. Perhaps it's your child's smile- your dog's love-your favorite memory- your garden. Or it could be the one thing that you like about yourself. Maybe your one thing is a special friend, your faith, or the difference you have made in someone's life. Just find one positive thing. Focus on this one thing instead of all the negativity that competes for your energy. Visualize this one thing as a light that grows the more you focus on it. Visualize this light growing with each positive thought. Imagine it getting stronger and more powerful as it burns through the layers of darkness and negativity. Imagine these layers peeling away; one after another until eventually you become this light. Now realize that you are not your weakness, illness, fear or doubt. You are your strengths. You are that one thing that is "good" in your life. You radiate confidence, brilliance, and happiness. You are that light that shined dimly inside you, that has always shined inside you and that shines inside you ever so brightly right now.

Remember to fuel this light. Like a plant it needs to be fed. Feed it lots of positive energy every day and watch as this light shines through your eyes, flows through your mouth, and pours from your heart. Feel the energy of this light and let it brighten your day and shine on those you live with, interact with and work with. Share this light with the people who need it most and let it serve as a flash light so they can find their light within.



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