My Life Charger...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Wisdom of the Great Chinese Teacher

Recently, I come across a path that show us to the wisdom of Confucius. The teaching is presented by 蔡礼旭老师 (Mr. Cai Li-xu). He has his unique way of bringing out the concept and teaching from "Di zi Gui" 《弟子规》. "Di zi Gui" means standard for being a good student or child. This book has been used as a guide to happiness in our modern world.

There is one part of that create resonance feeling towards me is that, he has pointed out that we have study for more than 12 years in school; However, most of what we learnt are all academic knowledge that manufactured us for the industrial world of capitalism. And, we left out the most important part fundamental and standard of thinking process that will enrich ourselves. I'm not suggesting that academic knowledge is not important. It just we need to have the fundamental thought before it, as same powerful tool can used to enrich or destroy our world.

Mr Cai also brought the root-caused of most our social problems, crisis that our global development faced, etc. Perhaps, all of the problems were created due to our lack of fundamental thought that enriched ourselves, our countries, our world in terms of body, spirit, and soul.

For a FREE .pdf copy of
"Di zi Gui" 《弟子规》 bi-languages (Original Classic Chinese and English) Click Here.

For those we can read chinese, there is a very good website that contains mountain of wisdom. It's a very good resource for wisdom discovery and realization, enjoy your exploration journey there. I'll explore the website and the same time since i only found that website today. So, it's Hot ,and fresh from the Oven. ;p


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