My Life Charger...

Friday, January 20, 2006

Greatest Legacy from Our ancestors...

Have you ever think about what's the legacy our ancestor have left us? Or perhaps, what's the legacy that we wanted to leave to our childrens? Or, what is the best legacy for our children? Perhaps you'll plan to leave some money, house, cars...etc.

Perhaps the best legacy to be leave to our children is the
Wisdom of Living. And you might be wondering what's the Wisdom of Living, where to learn that? Or perhaps you'll be thinking, "excuse me, Wisdom of Living? I don't need that... just 'Show me the $$$..'"

Yes, you are right. The Greatest Legacy that our ancestors have left us is the Wisdom of Living, and we have the responsibility to find it, learn it, and pass along to our children so that they can have the wisdom to live a happy and meaningful live too.

Now, most of the time, the way we are living our life is according to the advertisement around us, let it be TV, Radio, Magazines, and other media. Or, perhaps we have read some books, and we use our own life to try out the theory and see whether our life will work in that way. Without a standard to evaluate whether any idea is good to us or not, every new idea introduced seems so right and we continue to live our life with simply "trial and error" method. And, in the end our life become very messy and everything seems so confused.

Sometimes, when we are less confused, perhaps we can ask this questions. "Did our ancestor have those problems we have thousands years ago?", "If they have, how did they handle the problem and learn from it?", "If they don't, how did they live their life so that they have prevent themselves from getting into the problem we faced today?"

Or perhaps we might think... "Oh everything is so different nowadays, how is it possible for our ancestor to face what we are facing now?" Perhaps we are right and we are wrong. Everything is really different nowadays, but it limited to the material world. As for the living world, we still breathing the same air, we still having the same emotion, we still drinking water (perhaps more polluted one), and we still eating to gain energy. (perhaps more chemical processed food)

Yes, Our ancestor really leave us the legacy of
Wisdom of Live. To access to this wisdom, we need a key called "文言文" (Chinese Classic Character). Recently, I'm lucky to access to a series set of VCD that contains lessons from our ancestor. The lessons can definitely help us to solved most (if not all) of our problems we faced today.

If you are interested, you can download from here. Or, if you are using dial up, and would like to have a view on the video, please email me your name and address, I'll replicate you one for
Free. Just email me at (Note: Only in Mandarin. If you do not understand mandarin perhaps it's not for you yet.)

Happy Chinese New Year !!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

World Peace? We're lost?

"World Peace" a phrase so closed to us and yet so far away from reality. Perhaps, the reason why it is so far away is because we don't understand the root cause of it. There is one occassion, I was told the root caused of it and everything seems making lots of sense. What do u think is the root caused of War?

In the world of capitalism that come along with industrialization, the concept of earning, profit, income all in focus. There follow materialism, we tend to sacrifices a lot of things that are important to us (Sometimes, we have forgotten it is important to us) in order to achieve the income, earning, or profit in orde to exchange for the material or things that we chasing after (better car, better house, better shirts, better looks ...etc). Sometimes, it just make us feel so lost and wonder...

There is a story that are really sad and fully depicted the materialistic world. One 12-year-old child from China, he killed his parents for merely $10k chinese yuan. When he asked why he did that, the answer is scary but real, he said he wanted to buy a new cell phone.

There is another story, in a seminar, when the audience were asked, "When there is a very delicious food given to you, what is your first intention?" A 30-year-old audience answer without much thought, "Of course take a bite and taste the foold." Then, another women said, "I'll bring share the food with my children." Later, a teenager answer, "I'll bring the food to my parents." These answer must be interesting when compared.

Without much doubt, most of us will think that our world is getting more and more advance with lots of inventions like computer, ipod, electornics etc. And I'm really enlightened when i was asked one question, "What's the most important things or material to us all?" The answer is, "Fresh air, water, sun shine." But are there getting any better?

Perhaps we are in the century of seriously self-centered (selfish) world, where most of us care about ourselves more than anything or anyone else. In a selfish community, everyone started to compete with each other, and fights will follow with "selfish politics", then War !!! End of day arrived for lots people that we read in newspaper that kill themselves or got killed day by day. Everyday, newspaper is showing news on fights, robbery, kills, wars...etc

To have World Peace and change everything for good, we will have to start from education. Start from learning to "give" instead of "get", to "contribute" instead of "what's in it for me?", and cultivate universal love as taught in some religion teaching as we keep helping each other to make a difference and create a better world for children and further generation. All these good acts will be in sync and resonance with our heart and create happiness and joy. Finally a world that is full of love will never be in War.

Therefore, start filling love to the world start from ourselves. Start caring and loving everybody around you. May world peace one day a reality and not just a slogan.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Why get married?

Yesterday I received a wedding dinner invitation from a high school friend called Ching Fang. It's nothing special since she's not the first friend of mine getting marry. She'll get married and follow her husband and moved to Kelantan. Not to say it's need time to adapt living with father and mother-in-law, but now another thing is new environment from City to urban area. I'll wish her all her best in her life journey, and new chapter of life for her.

During our chat, I try to ask a question that i heard in a motivation seminar. I asked, "Why are you getting marry?" She replied, "I wanted a family, and this is the life journey we'll go through." It sounds normal for most of us, as this is really a life journey most of us will go through. Then, I started to recall the story a speaker told us in the seminar, Mr. Gan.

Mr. Gan has an old friend single, more than 40 years old. Let's called him, Alan. One day, Alan invited Mr. Gan to his wedding dinner. Mr. Gan congratulate his friend Alan, and asked "Why are you getting married, Alan?" To Alan surprised, he asked Mr. Gan, "What do you mean? I over 40 years old already, of course have to get marry... Everyone marry what, then of course I must marry also."

Sometimes, some of us marry because it's time to get marry, or most of our friends already get married or getting marry. It seems weird that we are still single? Is this the a good reason to get marry, as there will be a lot of challeges ahead of a marriage? I'm not discouraging getting marry, it just that this reason alone is not strong enough to get marry to Mr. Gan; and, I agree with him.

Perhaps, a good reasons to get marry is, "I loved him/her so much that I wanted to spend all my life with him." and not because, "I'm old enough to get marry, or my mother tell me that s/he is good and we should get marry... etc"

Anyway, there is no right way or wrong way, it just something to ponder about when we come by this junction of life and we have some decision to made.

All the best wishes to you my friend...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Phase 1 completed

Recently I'm so excited to share the wisdom of life that are presented by 蔡礼旭老师《幸福人生讲座》. I have successfully upload all the 8 lessons to the website for my dear readers to download and benefit from the teaching. To download, you can click here.

However, again only Mandarin is available.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sharing Wisdom of Life...

This weekend, I have been busy trying to find out how I can convert the VCD file into smaller file to upload into the internet so that people who is looking for the answer of life? or purpose of life? or how to gain happiness in life and stay happy forever? can have the answer from the VCD that i recently watched that have most of the answer i'm seeking for. They are the teaching of the ancient greatest teacher and it has been hidden in the history by the modern society.

Finally, I found a way to convert an 600MB file into a file less than 200MB. And, I'm using Bit Torrent Technology to upload file and share between people who are interested to take a look at the video. However, this teaching that I found is only in Chinese (Mandarin), therefore it cannot benefit those who do not understand mandarin. I currently still figuring out the best way to post it.

If you have broadband, perhaps u can download the 600MB file directly from Here.

Below is some summary points the represented by 蔡老师.



◎ 做到后再说,是圣人。说了以后就能做到,是贤人。说了以后做不到,是骗人。

◎ 白居易参访鸟窠禅师,请教说:「什么是佛法?」鸟窠禅师答曰:「诸恶莫做,众善奉行。」白居易言:「三岁小孩都知道。」鸟窠禅师笑答:「八十老翁做不得。」透过这个对话,我们可以体会其中的深意:学问重在力行。中国圣贤的经典是拿来自己照做的,这才是真功夫,不是用来要求别人的。

◎ 爱的反面是冷漠。自己要先关怀别人,尊重别人,主动付出后人生会有大的变化。

◎ 子曰:「不学礼,无以立。」一个孩子从小对长辈不恭敬,长大会恭敬吗?人生的经历告诉我:有礼貌是人生的莫大助力。

◎ 从真诚心里表露出的言行是不朽的。

◎ 「为他人着想」是世间第一等学问。

◎ 范仲淹家训:「圣哲人的后代,做得好是应该的,做不好,是对不起祖宗。」同样,我们作为炎黄子孙,承传优秀的传统文化是我们义不容辞的使命。莫要等到50年后,美国的学者到我们的大学里,为我们讲授「什么是中国文化」。

◎ 没有比不念亲恩、祖宗恩、师恩,更折损福报的了。祖先的教诲念念都在提携子孙后代。










Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Wisdom of the Great Chinese Teacher

Recently, I come across a path that show us to the wisdom of Confucius. The teaching is presented by 蔡礼旭老师 (Mr. Cai Li-xu). He has his unique way of bringing out the concept and teaching from "Di zi Gui" 《弟子规》. "Di zi Gui" means standard for being a good student or child. This book has been used as a guide to happiness in our modern world.

There is one part of that create resonance feeling towards me is that, he has pointed out that we have study for more than 12 years in school; However, most of what we learnt are all academic knowledge that manufactured us for the industrial world of capitalism. And, we left out the most important part fundamental and standard of thinking process that will enrich ourselves. I'm not suggesting that academic knowledge is not important. It just we need to have the fundamental thought before it, as same powerful tool can used to enrich or destroy our world.

Mr Cai also brought the root-caused of most our social problems, crisis that our global development faced, etc. Perhaps, all of the problems were created due to our lack of fundamental thought that enriched ourselves, our countries, our world in terms of body, spirit, and soul.

For a FREE .pdf copy of
"Di zi Gui" 《弟子规》 bi-languages (Original Classic Chinese and English) Click Here.

For those we can read chinese, there is a very good website that contains mountain of wisdom. It's a very good resource for wisdom discovery and realization, enjoy your exploration journey there. I'll explore the website and the same time since i only found that website today. So, it's Hot ,and fresh from the Oven. ;p

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year 2006

It's New Year 2006 !!! Happy New Year to everyone. New year, new resolution, new beginning... As for me, I feel that Time Fly... especially when I look back, the things that I have achieved seems not much. Some new year resolutions have been set and forgotten or got distracted along the way. How come this is happening, is there anyway to prevent it, or what is the wisdom involved to stay focus always. Or perhaps, what is to be focus in our life so that we can live to our fullest? Perhaps I just got to keep searching until it has been found.

Sometimes, I start to wonder, am I too conservative on my life approach? What are those limitation that I have put onto myself without even realizing it? Or am I just following the tradition or things that everyone is doing without realizing there is better way to do it.

I remember 2 Quotes Millionaire Dzul shared with us in our Option Trading Forum:

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. " -- Helen Keller

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets:
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "
-- W.H. Murray, The Scottish Himalayan Expedition

These 2 Quote might be helpful to our New Year resolutions for Year 2006. Happy New Year !