My Life Charger...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Unleash the Power of Goal-Settting

If you are bored with life,
if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things
, you don’t have enough goals.

–Lou Holtz,

I am in the progress reading the book “The Successful Principles” written by Jack Canfield. Some of the ideas he present are very similar to what I have read in other books, however, when presented by different author in different ways, it brings different feeling and have different impact to myself. After all, “Repetition is the Power”, I might not be successful first time I’m reading the book and encounter the concept, by reading how different people using the same principle differently and achieve their success, I will reinforce the concept into myself and create a way to make myself successful using the same principles.

Now, I’m at the chapter of Unleash the Power of Goal Setting. We must have a clear goal that contain “How much and When?” The first Goal I have set for myself right at this moment, “I am so happy to grow my trading account to $9700 by November 30, 2005.” Before this Chapter, Jack has introduced 2 chapters on “Believe It’s possible” and “Believe in yourself”. He said this action of setting goals with clarity and detail will put us into 3% of the achiever.

To move into the top 1% of achievers, all we have to do is write down some specific action steps that will help us accomplish our goals on our daily to-do list. Then make sure we take those actions.

Use visualization to create a scene in our mind imagining as if we have achieve the goal and feel how it feels like. This will jump start our cells in the body since our subconscious mind couldn’t different image from real and imaginative one.


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