My Life Charger...

Friday, September 30, 2005

Meaningful Story: Jumping Flea

Today, I pick up the newspaper and found a quite meaningful story. Like most stories, it begins with …

“One day, there is a poor village and there are many fleas jumping around in the village. And then, a little boy called Billy brings a bottle and trying to catch the flea like most kids in the village will do for fun. Keep catching and catching, finally Billy caught one flea. Quickly, Billy covers the bottle with the bottle cap so that the flea won’t jump away. With satisfaction, Billy quickly run home and then stares at the flea after he has reached home…”

“…Having fun, Billy saw the stupid flea keep jumping as high as possible inside the bottle and hits the bottle cap. After a while, to his surprise the smart flea stops hitting the bottle cap anymore as it jump just enough not to hit the bottle cap. Feeling boring again, Billy leaves the flea and look for something else to play…”

“… A few days later, Billy revisit the flea, seeing it still jumping the same way without hitting the bottle cap. Not feeling fun, Billy decided to free the flea and open up the bottle cap. However, the jumping flea still staying inside bottle jumping the same height even though the bottle cap is release…” – End of story.

Then, I started to think… am I behaving like the flea? I have big dreams, but I achieve a little. Could it be I stop jumping as high as possible when I have stopped by obstruction? Could it be the obstruction is no longer there when time past, but I still decided to stay in my comfort zone?


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